
IHOP KC is a cult that does not align at all with the true gospel presented in scriptures. Their gospel is the prophetic history CD’s they routinely made us listen to brainwash us. I was a new Christian and was “amazed” with the “things of the spirit”. I thought that being at IHOP would be the most radical way to love Jesus and prove my salvation. Leaders pushed that narrative. EVERYTIME I tried to leave and move home leaders would sit me down and tell me that if I did I’d lose my “faith” and go back to my sinful ways. As if the prayer room could save me. I wasted 3 years there when I could have been in college and being discipled with good doctrine by a solid church at home. As if this “made up prayer movement” could guarantee my salvation! I still have nightmares that I’ve gone back on staff and try to wake myself up. They made us live off 0$ for working 50+ hours a week. We lived in very run down apartments that had shootings and robberies. We were told to raise funds as if we were missionaries. They said our mission field was the prayer room as Intercessory missionaries i.e. People who pray for other people. So basically I was asking for money from other people for my prayers in return. It’s so wrong!!! Like some slimy Tv evangelist. Not biblical mission work! I was also told I had a “prophetic gifting” and was thrown onto teams that served in the prophetic rooms and went on one ministry trip. Often I would communicate that I didn’t really feel confident I was “hearing from God” when giving prophetic worlds and it felt like I was making it up a lot. They told me not to worry that God can still use my weak words. I’m ashamed of how many people I may have hurt with these “prophetic words” and how deceived I was Into performing these new age practices. IHOP recruits naive young adults that genuinely want to know more about God and brainwashed them through prophetic history CD’s, performing so called signs and wonders and so called revivals. Its very disturbing how they use their influence on impressionable minds to twist and distort the gospel into some kind of new age enchantments. This place is not safe spiritually, emotionally and physically.

- Full time staff2005-2008