
I came into the IHOP-KC family by way of the African American Calling of 2007, where leaders from the African American community stepped up and called for the black community to rise up into their leadership roles in the church at large. There was a break out session later that evening where about 1000 black people joined together and prayed for the black church at large to hear Gods call on their life. I met and spoke with many leaders and decided to stay in the IHOPKC community to learn more and grow in my calling as a singer/songwriter/rapper. The Awakening happened around mid to late 2008 and lasted until the end of the year 2009, which I saw many people healed and set free from many different ailments and issues in their lives. I, myself, was even set free of some deep rooted things. I left the area after the Awakening ended and returned in 2014 to become a full time volunteer. I decided I would simply stay a part of the community until I could do my introductory training. Instead, one random day near the end of 2015, I was pulled out of the crowd by [worship leader #1], and placed on the team to rap. And when he and I spoke more at length he found out I had been singing on worship teams for several years prior so we met several times to go over some songs that he plays frequently. Once I learned those he had me sing with him on certain days and rap on other days. From there, I joined [worship leader #2]'s team for a couple sets a week, as well as [worship leader #3]'s team for a few sets a week. During my tenure with [worship leader #1]’s team, one of his longer time singers got seemingly jealous of me for being promoted to different chairs ahead of her and made rumors about me to get me removed from the team. Slowly my place on the team was cut and I was forced to only doing two sets a week. At the same time, on [worship leader #3]’s team, I had given one of our female singers a ride home after a set, only to wake up the next day to a sexual assault allegation. I was pulled into a room and told I would be immediately removed from all teams unless I confessed before the female in question and team leader my deepest regret and that I would stay away from said female. I agreed to the meeting and told the truth: the female had made sexual advances toward me and overpowered me in my vehicle and raped me. Upon hearing this, I was removed from the room and told to wait in the briefing room. The female confessed and remained on the team and I was forced to take a “sabbatical” from being on teams. This happened behind closed doors to where none of my teammates or friends knew what happened. I took a trip to visit some friends and upon my return was told via text message I was no longer allowed to sing or rap on teams of any kind, as my allegations had reached a higher rank and they had decided it was best for everyone involved. I never returned to IHOPKC. Instead I returned home to southern Illinois where less than a month later I succumbed to some very serious health issues which caused kidney failure and a collapsed lung due to pneumonia. I was never visited by any IHOPKC staff and to my knowledge of the staff that found out about my health issues, refused to share the news. I have suffered with this disease since 2016 and have never had so much as an apology for my traumatic experience, from the female in question or the leaders who dealt with the situation.

- Singer/Rapper2007-2009 and 2014-2017