
I was a fairly new student at IHOPKC at the time, 6 months into my 9 month internship when I found out my cousin committed suicide. When I told my leaders what had happened and asked if I could take the afternoon off to mourn and process the shock, they refused and made me stay in the at max capacity prayer room because “that was the best place to be”. It was standing room only at the time, and all the seats were taken. When I asked if I can go to a side room to mourn this new news they refused as they were only for “intercessory prayer in groups”. I then had to pace for 4hrs of my prayer hours for that day sobbing but trying to hold it together before I was made to attend classes after. I fought my leaders tooth and nail to be able to leave for the day to go to his funeral (they lived only a few hours away) … and got nothing but silence and shame afterwards for leaving and not condemning his suicide when I returned. Somehow I still stayed to serve with them for years afterwards.

- Student2012-2015